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Year 6

Our Year 6 Classes

The staff and pupils in Year 6 welcome you to our page. We hope you find it useful and if you have any ideas on how it could be improved, please speak to one of the Year 6 team.


Being in Year 6 means that we need to set an outstanding example to all. Our aim is to be the best we can be by working hard every day, supporting each other, and most of all, enjoying our last year at Fleetdown. It will be a challenging and busy year, but we want to make it the best year yet!


As a member of Year 6, it also means that we are working hard to build our independence and ability to learn in many different ways. We always demonstrate the three key values of Fleetdown Primary Academy: Respect, Responsibility, Equality.

Term 4 – Africa


This term we will have two core texts, Tom’s Midnight Garden the graphic novel version, which will support our writing and Children of the Benin Kingdom that we will use within our reading lessons. Children of the Benin Kingdom links to our afternoon lessons and our topic Africa, where will be focusing on our skills as a geographer and historian

In maths, we will be learning how to solve Measurement problems linked to area, perimeter and volume.  We will also learn how to solve Statistics questions linked to graphs and charts. We will complete our maths learning, learning about Shape linking to the use of protractors and the properties of angles within shapes. We will also be applying these areas into a wider contextual understanding and using it for bigger problem-solving activities.

In our science, we will be looking at Animals including Humans. We will begin to identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system and describe the functions of the heart, recognise the function of blood and understand the impact the effects of exercise, diet, drugs and alcohol have on the body.

Please check out our Term 4, Sticky Knowledge document to find out more about what we are learning.



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