Together Everyone Achieves More
Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
We would like to welcome you all to our Year 1 page! We hope that you find this information useful. If you have any additional questions, please speak to a member of the Year 1 team, message us on Class Dojo or you can send us an email.
The Year 1 Team
- Mr D Duffy - Teacher of Dolphins
- Miss E Carr - Teacher of Penguins
- Miss J Jones - Teacher of Octopus
- Miss A Harvey - Trainee Teacher of Dolphins
- Mrs S Gunning - HLTA
- Mrs J Dehal - SEN Associate Teacher
- Mrs D Webb - SEN Associate Teacher
- Miss M Hanney - SEN Associate Teacher
Term 6 - Into the woods!
Across this term, we shall be exploring and engaging with our topic of 'Into the woods'. We will be exploring the United Kingdom through map work in geography, followed by exploring our locality and local woodland area. In science, we will be exploring plants including fruits and vegetables.
Books we will be reading this term that link to our topic are:
Term 5 - What a wonderful world.
Across this term, we shall be exploring and engaging with our topic of 'What a wonderful world'. We shall be exploring the four seasons, looking in detail and the weather that is associated with the particular seasons. Further to this we will be comparing different areas such as beaches and farm looking in detail at the features of each area.
Books we will be reading this term that link to our topic are:
Term 4 - Land Before Time!
Across this term, we shall be exploring and engaging with our topic of 'Land Before Time'. We shall be delving into the history of dinosaurs and fossils. For our memorable experience, we will be taking the children on an investigative journey back in time! In our art lessons, the children will get to experiment with clay and making their own fossils.
Books we will be reading this term that link to our topic are:
Term 3 - We could be Heroes!
Across this term, we shall be exploring and engaging with our topic of 'We could be Heroes!'. We shall be thinking about real life and fictional superheroes and what they did to make them a superhero. For our memorable experience, we shall being turning in to superheroes ourselves to try to save the vegetables that have been trapped by the Evil Pea! In our design and technology lessons, the children will be designing and making their very own superhero vehicle.
Books we will be reading this term that link to our topic are:
Term 2 - Down in the Valley
Across this term, we shall be exploring and engaging with our topic of 'Down in the Valley' across the whole curriculum. We shall be delving into the history of the local area as well as comparing this to our town of Dartford. For our memorable experience, we will be taking the children on an investigative journey around the Fleet Estate researching the origins of the landscape. In our art lessons, the children will get to experiment with making their own printing blocks and get to create their own repeating patterns.
Books we will be reading this term that link to our topic are:
Term 6 - Into the woods
Term 5 Topic and Science
Term 4
Term 3 - Sticky Knowledge
Term 2 - Medium term plan
Term 2 - Timetable
Term 2 - Optional Homework Task
Term 2 - Sticky Knowledge document
Year 1 Key documents - Spelling lists
Writing Support Visuals
Our Outdoor Learning
Here is our Year 1 outdoor area, which is accessible for all children. Our interactive and carefully planned learning stations afford concrete learning experiences in the natural environment to encourage independence and decision making.