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Year 4

A big welcome to Year 4 here at Fleetdown!

We would like to welcome parents, carers and pupils to the Year 4 page. We hope you find the information on this page useful and if you have any additional questions, please Class Dojo message your child’s class teacher.


Being in Year 4 means that we are working hard to build our independence and ability to learn in many different ways. We always demonstrate the three key values of Fleetdown Primary Academy: Respect, Responsibility, Equality.


The Year 4 Team

Miss S Dalton - Assistant Headteacher and Sea Otters Class Teacher

Mrs T Braniff - Sharks Class Teacher

Miss T Zimmerman - Seals Class Teacher

Mrs H Johnson - HLTA

Mrs S Andrews - Communication Support Worker

Mrs A Alexander - Communication Support Worker

Term 6 - Wait, Where are we Going?

This term, our learning will focus on the UK and Europe. We will learn the difference between the British Isles, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, as well as being able to name and locate some of the major cities in the UK.  Next, we will learn which European countries are part of the European Union and about some of the major cities in Europe. In our DT learning, we will focus on baking! As well as learning the basic ingredients of a cake, we will discover what a leavening agent is and what they do. After completing a taste-test and texture comparison of cakes from around Europe, we will bake cakes of our own.  In art, we will be learning what a fresco is and some of the techniques that can be used to create them. After looking at examples of works from European painters, we will create paintings of our own, using tints and tones we have mixed ourselves to create mood.


Term 5 - Rollin' On The River

This term our topic is Rollin' On The River. In this topic, we will complete lots of geography work on the structure of a river and its features, as well as fieldwork on rivers in the area. In art, we will work on our photography skills and digital media, including presenting collections of our photography.

In DT, we will work on a project from Water Aid, about providing solutions for clean drinking water across the world.

In English, our key text is Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre. We will complete writing on character descriptions, instructions and non-chronological reports.

Term 4 - Incredible Insides

This term, we will be learning all about the process of digestion!  In our science

learning, we will study digestion, teeth and food chains.  Our art and DT lessons will follow the same theme; we will make clay tiles inspired by the natural forms of fruits and vegetables in art, and in DT we will be learning different techniques to create and cook a healthy, balanced meal.

Our class text this term is Demon Dentist by David Walliams.

Term 3 - Raiders and Traders

This term we are working on our second term of Raiders and Traders, which will focus on the Vikings. We will study the reasons why the Vikings wanted to invade Britain and key events during their invasion.  In our Geography lessons, we will compare the features of Britain with Denmark and in art we will be building on our sketching skills.

In English, we are basing our learning on the text How To Train Your Dragon.


Term 2 - Raiders & Traders

This term, we are beginning our work on a two-term topic called Raiders and Traders. This term, we are focusing on the Anglo Saxons and their settlement in Britain. We will learn about their lives and key individuals during our history work, and look at their settlements and origins in Geography.  We will also learn a little about the fall of the Saxons at the hands of the Vikings, who we will be focusing on in Term 3.


Term 1 - Extreme Earth


This term, our new and exciting topic, ‘Extreme Earth' will engage and excite all all the children as we learn about the most extreme aspects of our planet, from wildfires to floods and hurricanes.




Together Everyone Achieves More
