Together Everyone Achieves More
Pupil Premium Including Recovery Funding
What is Pupil Premium and how is it used to support learning at Fleetdown Primary Academy?
Pupil Premium funding is allocated by the Government in order that support is given to those pupils who may be vulnerable to underachievement. The amount received is dependent on the number of pupils who are known to be or have been eligible for free school meals (FSM), the number of Looked After Children (LAC) and the number of pupils for Service families. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding they receive, how this is being used and the impact it is having upon learning. Our Pupil Premium Grant is used to narrow the gap in attainment between pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium and their peers.
School Leaders and the Governing Body have ensured that our school is tracking the progress of pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding to demonstrate how the school is using the Pupil Premium. It is for the school to determine how best to use the funding. Our Senior Leaders create an annual Pupil Premium Strategy, which is monitored regularly throughout the year.
Key Barriers to Educational Achievement for Pupil Premium Pupils at Fleetdown Primary Academy
At Fleetdown Primary Academy, we have identified three main barriers to academic achievement for our pupils:
- Lower levels of attendance (<96%)
- Lower levels of self-esteem, confidence and wellbeing.
- Lower starting points in English, Maths and Reading.
The school addresses these barriers through a range of research informed strategies which are outlined in our most recent Pupil Premium Strategy. Some of our strategies include:
- Employment of additional staff to ensure quality first teaching
- Staff training and development
- The Nurture programme
- Forest School
- The provision of a Family Liaison Officer (FLO)
Please see our current Pupil Premium Strategy below and the impact statement based on our plan from last year.