Together Everyone Achieves More
Year 3
We would like to welcome parents, carers and pupils to the Year 3 webpage. We hope you find the information on this page useful, and if you have any additional questions, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Your Year 3 Team 2023-2024
Mr T Leach - Assistant Headteacher, Maths Leader, Year Group Leader, Class Teacher of Jellyfish
Mr A Burnett - PE & Sports Premium Leader, Early Teacher Mentor, Diversity Leader, Science/Technology/Engineering/Maths (STEM) Leader, Class Teacher of Stingrays
Ms T Kassem - PSHE Leader, Class Teacher of Seahorses
Mrs A Fowler - HLTA, Barnacle Bay Intervention Leader
Mrs T Herzl - Associate Teacher
Mrs R Harvey - Associate Teacher
Term 6 - I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
This term, we will be learning all about the invasion and plight of the Romans, including the impact on Britain, as well as the wonderful things that we have as a result of them.
Fun Fact: The Romans built such a huge empire and conquered new lands, thanks to their strong army. The Roman army could march up to 40km a day!
Our Maths learning will include learning all about angles, before moving onto 2D and 3D shape creation and properties!
In our English and Reading lessons, we will be using and basing our work on the beautiful text that is "Queen of Darkness" by Tony Bradman. There's a battle coming... and a terrible aftermath. Flashbacks offer dramatic stories set in key moments in history, perfect for introducing children to historical topics.
By writing reports, fact files and more, we depict the life of the Romans and consider why, in 2024, they are still vital to the understanding of Britain today!